Acupuncture is the art and science of moving qi, the life force of the body, to achieve free flow. There is saying in Chinese, "Where there is stagnation, there is pain; Where there is pain, there is stagnation." A body in free flow is vibrant and healthy.
Acupuncture needles (gently inserted) act like phonograph needles, condensing and dispersing energy.
I use a variety of acupuncture, tuina and moxabustion techniques to suit the patient. Acupuncture can be be practiced with deep needling technique or using the most superficial body levels just laying the needles on the body. Distal acupuncture uses points at the opposite ends of meridians from the imbalance, encouraging the body to use the fulcrum like action of a seesaw. Local acupuncture engages the body's healing closest to the injury.
Tuina is medical massage using manipulation and hands on body work directly on the acupuncture points and meridians.
Moxabustion is the application of heat directly or indirectly to points by burning a combination of herbs above or on the body.
Each acupuncture session begins with an assessment of the patient's current state, and points and techniques are chosen accordingly.
All acupuncture needles are sterile, single-use and made of medical grade steel.